They say the world is your oyster, but that is not strictly true. Many countries have visa regulations, and to visit, you must apply and be granted a tourist visa in advance. With over 195 countries ripe for exploration, the temptation to get as many stamps on the passport as possible is a real challenge for some people, but there are several places that you might find say ‘no way’ when you apply for a visa. Here are five of the most notoriously difficult countries to be granted a visa to visit.
1. North Korea
In order to even apply for a visa to visit North Korea, tourists must work with a tourist agency that has state approval, and the paperwork is laborious. Frankly, they are not very welcoming, so the chances of being refused entry are high. They often deny visas to people just over the border in South Korea, and if you are from North America, you aren’t guaranteed to be any more welcome. North Korea may have to remain on the unachievable bucket list, possibly forever.
2. Russia
There is no denying the appeal of Russia as a travel destination but start your visa application well in advance as this is another paper-based marathon. The sheer number of questions asked on the visa application will put many people off. They are also very interested in every country you have visited in the last decade, and you need to give lots of information about where you went and why. It is complicated and lengthy, and after all that, there is no guarantee you will be granted the visa, so again it may not be a destination you can visit any time soon.
3. Somalia
To be completely honest, Somalia is not a dream destination. It is a dangerous place to visit as a tourist, so for that reason, you are not encouraged even to apply. But, human nature being what it is, someone, somewhere, will want to try. Applying for the visa itself is the first hurdle, and again it has been made deliberately complex. Should you be successful and be allowed into the country, the second hurdle is having a security detail accompanying you at all times.
4. Iran
Apply in advance if you are from the US or UK (and a handful of other countries) as you are not eligible for visa-on-arrival and will be sent packing. If you want to visit Iran and apply in advance, part of the process is obtaining a verification code from an Iranian travel agent. The screening process is lengthy, and again, no guarantees.
5. Saudia Arabia
This has become an easier visa to obtain than in previous years, but unless you are Muslim, you may not visit Median or Mecca even with a tourist visa. If you are from Israel, you are not even allowed to apply. The penalties for non-compliance with visa requirements and general rules are severe and include imprisonment and even death, so be careful to do as you are asked.