Foreign students from select countries can come and work in Singapore for up to six or twelve months with a Work Holiday Pass.
Singapore offers two types of Work Holiday Passes:
- The Work Holiday Pass under the Work Holiday Programme, offered to students from countries the following countries:
- Australia
- France
- Germany
- Hong Kong
- Japan
- New Zealand
- Switzerland
- United Kingdom
- United States.
- The Work Holiday Pass under the Work and Holiday Visa Programme, available only to students from Australia.
The Singapore Work Holiday Pass under the Work Holiday Programme
Who is eligible?
You are eligible to apply for a Work Holiday Pass under the Work Holiday Programme if you meet the following criteria:
- You are between the ages of 18 to 25.
- You are from Australia, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland, the United Kingdom or the United States.
- You are either a graduate or a current student of a university that is recognized by your country’s government.
- If you are a current student: You have been a resident and full-time student at the university for at least three months before applying.
- If you are a graduate: You were a resident and full-time student for the duration of your studies.
What are the conditions?
With this type of Singapore Work Holiday Pass, you can live and work in Singapore for a maximum of six months.
A total of 2,000 applications are accepted. If the capacity is capped, your application will likely be rejected, unless there are vacancies.
The Singapore Work Holiday Pass under the Work and Holiday Visa Programme
Who is eligible?
You are eligible for the Singapore Work Holiday Pass under the Work and Holiday Visa Programme if you meet the following criteria:
- You are an Australian citizen
- You are between the ages of 18 and 30.
- You are a university graduate; or
- You have finished at least two years of full-time undergraduate university studies.
What are the conditions?
- You can live and work in Singapore for a maximum of twelve months.
- The MOM will only accept a maximum of 500 applications at any time. If the capacity is capped, your application will likely be rejected, unless there are vacancies.
- The maximum amount of time you can spend training or studying is four months. This includes internships, courses (part-time or full-time) and job training.
- You cannot take up freelance work.
- You are allowed to:
- Work in a company which is registered with the Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA).
- Work in an organization which is registered with the Registry of Societies (ROS).
- Work in a profession such as law, medicine, architecture etc. as long as you have the registration requirements for practicing it.
- You cannot work for the same employer for longer than six months. You must either:
- Change employers.
- Not work at all, but spend the remaining time on a holiday.
How to Apply for a Work Holiday Pass for Singapore?
The process of obtaining a Singapore Work Holiday Pass (under either program) is divided into three parts:
Applying for the Work Holiday Pass
The process of applying for a Work Holiday Pass Singapore is done online, on the Ministry of Manpower’s (MOM) website. You have to:
- Select the program under which you are applying: Work Holiday Programme or Work and Holiday Visa Programme.
- Enter information such as your personal particulars, details of your education, as well as your contact information.
- Attach electronic copies of all the required documents (see below).
- Wait for the application to be processed.
- If you are applying under the Work Holiday Programme, the processing time is three weeks.
- If you are applying under the Work and Holiday Visa Programme, the processing time is four weeks.
Once your application is approved, the MOM will email you an In-Principle Approval (IPA) letter, which serves as an entry visa. Within three months of getting the IPA letter, you have to go to Singapore and request to get the Pass issued.
Submitting the required documents
When you submit the Work Holiday Pass application (under either program), you need to have several supporting documents.
All the documents have to be in English. If they are not, they must be translated by an official translator, and you must have both the original copy and the translation.
The documents you attach online must be in either PDF or JPEG format.
Required documents when applying for the Work Holiday Pass:
- Copy of the personal information details of your passport.
- If you have graduated: Copy of your diploma/certificate and official school transcripts.
- If you are still studying:
- A recent letter (no older than three months) which proves your enrollment in your university, and states your name, birthday, and nationality.
- A photocopy of your student card.
- If you are an international student, a copy of your study visa.
Requesting to get the Work Holiday Pass issued
You must be in Singapore when you request to get your Pass issued. If you have a SingPass account, you can submit the online application yourself. If you do not, you will either have to appoint an employment agent to do it on your behalf or submit the request manually.
Applying online
- Sign in to EP Online (on MOM’s website) to make the request.
- Submit the required documents (see below).
- Pay the S$175 fee for your Pass.
- Print the notification letter, which:
- Allows you to travel in and out of Singapore until your Pass Card is issued.
- Informs you whether you need to register your photo and fingerprints.
Applying manually
- Make an appointment at the Employment Pass Services Centre (EPSC).
- Go to the appointment and take the required documents below with you.
- Pay the S$175 fee for your Pass.
- Receive your notification letter, which:
- Allows you to travel in and out of Singapore until your Pass Card is issued.
- Informs you whether you need to register your photo and fingerprints.
Required documents when getting the Work Holiday Pass issued
- Your passport information
- The details of your Short Term Visit Pass or immigration pass.
- Your address in Singapore.
- An address where MOM can deliver your card.
- Disembarkation/Embarkation card.
- Information of at least one contact who MOM can send your Pass Card delivery details.
- Your IPA letter along with a completed declaration form.
Registering your picture and fingerprints
If your notification letter states that you need to register your picture and fingerprints, you must do it within two weeks at EPSC. You need to make a prior appointment, and bring the following documents:
- Your passport.
- Your letter of appointment.
- Your notification letter.
- Any documents listed in the notification and IPA letter.
You should receive your Singapore Work Holiday Pass Card within four days of registering and verifying your documents at EPSC.