Tier 2 Dependent Visa
Tier 2 Dependent Visa is for the children and the partners accompanying or joining their family members in the UK who are applying for or already hold a Tier 2 visa. A Tier 2 Visa is a visa that falls under the Points Based System (PBS), established for foreigners living outside the European Economic Area and Switzerland, to…

Mexico Temporary Resident Visa
Any foreign national who wants to live and work in Mexico legally must get a Mexico Temporary Resident Visa and a Mexico Work Permit. There are three types of Mexican visas: This article aims to serve as a guide to the Temporary Resident Visa and its types, specifically the Work Visa and Work Permit for…

Do I Need a Visa for Costa Rica?
You may have found yourself thinking “Do you need a visa to go to Costa Rica” if you’re planning on taking a trip there. If you’re a national of certain lucky countries, the answer to that question may very well be “No”. However, that’s not always the case. The Costa Rica visa policy is divided…

Australia Onshore Permanent Partner Visa
The Australian Partner Visa (subclass 801) is a permanent resident visa, allowing you to work, study, travel, and even apply for Australian citizenship later on. The 801 Visa is the second stage to becoming a permanent resident – before that, you have to apply for a Temporary 820 Visa. How Long Does It Take to…

Australia Onshore Temporary Partner Visa
The Partner Visa 820 is a temporary visa, allowing you to live and work in Australia for a period of two years until your application for permanent residency is processed. It is called an “Onshore” Partner Visa because you can apply for it when you are already in Australia. The Partner Visa (Subclass 820) is…

Australia Offshore Migrant Partner Visa
The Subclass 100 Partner Visa is the second and final step towards becoming a permanent resident of Australia. As with other Australian Partner Visas, you have to apply for the Subclass 100 Visa (permanent) at the same time as you apply for the Subclass 309 Visa (temporary). You will get the temporary visa first and, two years…

Australia Provisional Offshore Partner Visa
You can apply for an Offshore Partner Visa (Subclass 309) if you are currently outside Australia and would like to move there to join your Australian resident spouse or partner. The 309 Visa is the first in a two-step process for getting Australian permanent residence: As with other Australian Partner Visas, you have to apply for…

Australia Partner Visas
If you are married or in a de facto relationship with an Australian citizen or permanent resident, you can join them in Australia with a Partner Visa. Australian Partner Visas are divided into Onshore and Offshore visas, which differ based on where you are when you lodge the application – in Australia or outside. They…

Australia Orphan Relative Visas
An orphan relative visa is a permanent permit that allows children to join their family members in Australia who will be legally responsible for their well-being. To get this visa, the child’s parents must be either dead, unable to provide care for them, or missing. If you are sponsoring a relative to get the orphan…

Australia Family Visa for New Zealand Citizens
Any family members of New Zealand citizens who want to join them in Australia can apply for a visa 461. To get a visa 461, you must have a New Zealand family member in Australia, but you must not be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident. To qualify for a visa 461, your family…

Australia Dependent Child Visa
If you have applied for a permanent partner visa and have a dependent child, your child can apply for a visa 445. A 445 visa is issued temporarily to allow your child to stay in Australia until a decision is made on your application. Once this visa has been granted, your child has the right…

Australia Carer Visas
A carer visa is a permanent family visa you can apply for if you want to take care of a relative that requires medical, or physical assistance. There are two subclasses for a carer visa: To get a carer visa you must have an eligible sponsor in Australia who genuinely needs your assistance. Eligibility Criteria…

Australia Aged Dependent Relative Visas
An aged dependent visa is a family permit that is issued to aged relatives of Australian residents or citizens so they can come to Australia. To get an aged dependent visa, you must be truly dependent on your family member in Australia, either financially, physically or mentally. Eligibility Requirements for an Aged Dependent Visa The…

Australia Adoption Visa
If you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident and want to adopt a child from another country, you will have to get them an Adoption Visa. The Adoption Visa for Australia (Subclass 102) is a permanent visa, part of the Australian Family and Relative Visa types. It is subject to a set of conditions, the main…

Types of Australia Family and Relative Visas
A family and relative visa is a type of permit that allows Australian citizens, permanent residents, or New Zealand eligible citizens to bring their family members to Australia. Usually, with a family and relative visa, you can bring your children, siblings or a close family member who meets the eligibility requirements. If you want to…

Australia Contributory Aged Parent Visas
There are two types of Contributory Aged Parent Visas: the Subclass 884 Visa, which is temporary and the Subclass 864 Visa that lets you stay permanently in Australia. They are called “contributory” parent visas because the visa fee is very high – upwards of AUD 40,000. The upside to these visa types is that they…

Australia Sponsored Parent Visa
If you are settled in Australia and want to bring your parents to live with you temporarily, they will have to apply for an 870 Visa. Before that, you have to submit a request to learn whether you meet the requirements to be a sponsor in the first place. Please note that the Subclass 870…

Australia Aged Parent Visa
The 804 Visa is a type of parent visa, which would allow you to live in Australia permanently. To get this visa, you must already be in Australia and meet the pension age requirements. Am I Eligible for the 804 Visa? The eligibility requirements for the Aged Parent Visa (Subclass 804) are: Parent Visa Age Limit…

Australia Contributory Parent Visa
If you want to live with your child in Australia, you can apply for the Contributory Parent Visa (Subclass 143), which will give you the right to permanent residence. Eligibility Criteria for the Contributory Parent Visa 143 To be eligible for a 143 Visa for Australia, you and your sponsor (your child) have to fulfil…

Australia Temporary Contributory Parent Visa
You can apply for a Temporary Contributory Parent Visa (Subclass 173) if you have a child living in Australia, and you wish to visit them. Your child must be legally and permanently resident in Australia If you receive the 173 Visa, you can: Conditions of the Australian Subclass 173 Parent Visa You can only apply…

Australia Parent Visa
If you have a child or children living in Australia, then you can apply for a visa to join them. One of the parent visas for Australia is the Subclass 103 Visa, which would allow you to live in Australia permanently and even apply for Australian citizenship in the future. While it is a permanent…

Australia Parent Visa Types
There are essentially two main types of Australian Parent Visas leading to permanent residency: Contributory and Non-Contributory. The main difference between these two types is the duration it takes to process and how much they cost. There is also a type of visa which is easier to receive but does not lead to permanent residency:…

Australia Student Guardian Visa
Students under 18 have to nominate a family member for an Australia student guardian visa so that they are able to study in Australia. A student guardian visa for Australia must be submitted at the same time as a student visa 500. What Is an Australian Student Guardian Visa? An Australian guardian visa-subclass 590, is a…

Australia Student Visa
Australia Student visas are available for internationals who want to study there. In order to qualify for a visa subclass 500, applicants must follow the guidelines of the Immigration Office. What Are the Requirements for a Student Visa in Australia? For an Australian student visa (subclass 500) application you must submit these documents: English Language…

UAE Residence Visa
Foreigners who want to live and work in the United Arab Emirates long-term need a UAE Residence Visa. A residence visa for the UAE offers the holder a lot of benefits, including: However, to be able to get a Residence Visa for the UAE, you must meet certain eligibility criteria, such as finding a job…

Singapore Permanent Residence
Becoming a Singapore permanent resident is a highly coveted position. Singapore ranks as one of the best countries in the world in terms of its quality of life, offering a stable political climate, cultural diversity, high levels of healthcare and education, and one of the most open economies in the world, according to the World…

Singapore Dependant’s Pass
Singapore has a large number of foreign employees in its workforce. According to Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower (MOM), over 20% of Singapore’s population consists of foreigners who are living on a Singapore work visa. More specifically, over 1.3 million people, out of Singapore’s overall population of 5.6 million, are foreign workers. The Singapore government has…

Israel A/4 Visa for Spouses and Children
The Israeli A/4 visa is for spouses and minor children of A/2 student visa holders and A/3 clergy visa holders. It permits the visa recipients to join their parents and spouses in Israel, but not to work here. Who Can Apply for A/4 Visa for Spouses and Children? Only children under the age of 18…

Japan Marriage Visa
If you are married to a Japanese national and you want to join them in Japan, you need a Japan Spouse Visa. Technically, the Japanese Spouse Visa is what’s known as a visa for spouses and dependents of Japanese citizens or residents (foreigners who are working/studying in Japan). The Japan Spouse Visa is a type of temporary…

Visa – Residence as Dependant in Hong Kong
For a sponsor who has been admitted into the HKSAR to take up employment (as a professional, for investment to establish/join in business, or for training) or studies (in full-time undergraduate or post-graduate local programmes in local degree-awarding institutions), or who is permitted to remain in the HKSAR as an entrant under the Capital Investment…
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