A negative tuberculosis test result is needed to get a UK visa, if the candidate wants to stay in the UK for more than six months and comes from specific countries.
The test consists of a chest x-ray, and if this test does not give the proper results, then the candidate should give a sample of sputum taken from the lungs.
The validity of a certificate revealing that the candidate does not have the tuberculosis is six months. The test is carried by medical clinics, in the home country or neighboring countries, which are authorized by the Home Office.
Tuberculosis Test Exemptions
A candidate will not need to undergo the test (even if they come from countries who need to take the test) if the following are applicable to them:
- Is an accredited diplomat in the UK, it is a returning resident of the UK (who stayed abroad the UK for maximum two years),
- Has stayed for minimum six months in a country which is not required to take the test
- Has not been away from that country more than six months.
- Is a child under the age of 11. Other children beyond that age will take the test if the doctor agrees so (if not, the certificate will be issued automatically), but they need to be sent to an approved clinic by the home office, to undergo a questionnaire test first.
Note: Pregnant women are not exempt from taking the test. They are given options such as getting an extra-protected x-ray test (in the second and third trimester of pregnancy) or a sputum test.
Countries Whose Citizens Should be Tested for Tuberculosis
Citizens of the following countries need to be tested for tuberculosis before entering the UK:
Afghanistan | China | Hong Kong | Mongolia | Somalia |
Algeria | Congo | India | Morocco | South Africa |
Angola | Congo Democratic Republic | Indonesia | Mozambique | South Korea |
Armenia | Côte D’ivoire | Iraq | Namibia | South Sudan |
Azerbaijan | DPR Of Korea | Kazakhstan | Nepal | Sudan |
Bangladesh | Djibouti | Kenya | Niger | Suriname |
Belarus | Dominican Republic | Kiribati | Nigeria | Tajikistan |
Benin | Ecuador | Kyrgyzstan | Pakistan | Tanzania |
Bhutan | Equatorial Guinea | Laos | Palau | Thailand |
Bolivia | Eritrea | Lesotho | Papua New Guinea | Timor Leste |
Botswana | Ethiopia | Liberia | Panama | Togo |
Brunei | Gabon | Madagascar | Paraguay | Turkmenistan |
Burkina Faso | Gambia | Macau | Peru | Tuvalu |
Burma | Georgia | Malawi | Philippines | Uganda |
Burundi | Ghana | Malaysia | Russian Federation | Ukraine |
Cambodia | Guatemala | Mali | Rwanda | Uzbekistan |
Cape Verde | Guinea | Marshall Islands | Sao Tome And Principe | Vanuatu |
Central African Republic | Guinea Bissau | Mauritania | Senegal | Vietnam |
Chad | Guyana | Micronesia | Sierra Leone | Zambia |
Cameroon | Haiti | Moldova | Solomon Islands | Zimbabwe |